Thursday, July 14, 2005



Today, on my way to work, I got a TICKET. What for, you may ask? Oh let's see, for NOT COMING TO A FULL STOP AT A STOP SIGN! Which stop sign was this, you may ask. Oh, I don't know. Just the one RIGHT OUTSIDE MY FREAKING APARTMENT!


And guess what? In freakin' Burbank, California, you don't simply mail in a payment to cover the ticket fine. Oh no. You GET A FREAKING COURT DATE ... FOR NOT COMING TO A FULL STOP AT A STOP SIGN. I call B.S.

Honestly, WTF? This cop is trying to be all friendly and crap, asking me about NBC and stuff, seeing as how I was in my uniform. Holy lord. Here I am, for all intents and purposes LEAVING MY OWN HOME, and I'm talking to a cop on a motorcycle pulling me over like he's some badass because me, a freakin' NBC PAGE FROM BLOOMFIELD BY GOD CONNECTICUT did not come to a FULL stop at the stop sign RIGHT OUTSIDE MY APARTMENT. Did I zoom by it? No. I halted, slowed, etc., and then, as I was the only one in sight, I TURNED RIGHT. Should I have come to a full, complete, total stop? Um, yeah, I guess. Okay, fine, yes. YES. Hear me, I said YES YES YES YES. Did I? No, not technically, no, I guess not. Okay? NO.

So now, on August 15th, at 8:15 am, I must report to the Burbank courthouse to do God knows what. SCREW THIS. Honestly I am in disbelief. So now I can say hello to my insurance rates increasing even more following April's TOTAL CRAP accident which is being blamed on me despite it CLEARLY being the OTHER WOMAN'S FAULT (why? Because she SPED INTO A SHARP LEFT TURN WHEN I HAD A GREEN LIGHT AND RIGHT OF WAY.). And all this because I was on my way to work to see an important speaker at NBC, had a clear road, and get picked on by some jerkoff cop for not coming to a complete stop, a few yards away from the entrance to my apartment building. Awesome.

Yeah, I've got some other things to say, but this post of ANGER needs to stand on its own. God bless America, glad to know our street cops have their priorities in the right places. Oh, and California drivers suck and on a daily basis nearly kill me because of their TOTAL IDIOCY BEHIND THE WHEEL. And Schwarzenneger, you may be a badass in the movies but you can kiss my ass because the roads and highways in your state are total crap and do nothing but cause congestion and reaffirm predictions that the world will end due to overpopulation and / or poisonous gasses from car emissions. Oh wait, who am I to question a guy who in his twenties was bypassing formal education for shooting steroids up his ass, doing lord knows what other drugs, and gangbanging girls on the bodybuilding circuit.

Ticket and a court date for a stop sign right outside my freakin apartment ... ridiculous. Who's with me?

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