Sunday, January 02, 2005

The Time Is Near ...

If this was a normal nothing-happening day in the CT wasteland, the above title would probably be referencing this week's long-awaited release of the MILLENIUM SEASON 2 DVD this week. But no, while it is still pretty sweet that it's coming out soon, that ominous title refers to tommorow's momentous decisions that must be made. What, you say, am I talking about? Check out my recent post entitled BIG NEWS to get the answer. So sitting here at almost 10pm on Sunday night, I am still not really sure what I'm doing. At this point the biggest thing on my mind is that even if I really preferred NYC over LA, I don't have any guarantees that I'll get into the page program there, at least as of right now. So if it's take LA or risk losing everything, then I say take LA, right? But if the NYC program turns out tommorow to be more of a sure thing ... well, that kind of shakes things up a bit. I guess that's all I can really say for now ...

- But, thanks to everyone and anyone who gave me advice today and yesterday, I really appreciate it. Also, sorry to those friends of mine who as of now I still haven't yet talked to about all this, what can I say it's been crazy.

- Strangely in the midst of all this craziness my brother has gotten me into the Harry Potter movies, which until now I've avoided watching (never read any of the books either). I guess all the hype just really turned me away even though I usually like that kinda stuff. Well I did end up really enjoying the first movie, the characters were great and it was a lot of fun. The second one was kind of confusing plot-wise I thought, but still enjoyable. I hear the third movie is darker and different that the first two, so that should be cool.

- I also saw Meet The Fockers a few days back, which I thought was kind of disappointing and not as funny as the first which I thought was hilarious when I first saw it (but less hilarious in retrospect). It was like, oh, let's throw in Barbara Streisand and Dustin Hoffman and it will be funny just because it's two legendary actors acting like idiots. Sure, there are some funny moments but overall the jokes were pretty lame and obvious, and way too much reliance on grossness for humor. Anyone who loved this but hated Napoleon Dynamite needs to get their sense of humor checked (sorry if that applies to you, um ... yeah ...). BUT, I want to stress that although the movie wasn't my favorite, it was a good time, especially since seeing it involved a CAMP SHALOM REUNION with my ol' co-counsellors, future cantor Mike "Zoos" Zoosman and aspiring film-maker Matt Silver - the duo who helped create the legendary, original COSMIC DOODAD movie, which is still spoken of in awed whispers by former Camp Shalom campers.

- For the record I hate the word "gi-normous" and hope that no friend of mine ever uses it in conversation. What a dumb word.

- Okay, tommorow's the big day. For all I know nothing will be resolved and I'll still be in as much of a dilemma tommorow as I am now (as is so often the way with these things ...), but hopefully it all works out for the best. Either way at least it will be exciting times ahead.

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