Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Live from the New Apartment

Good news: Internet connection is on.
Bad news: Computer is on floor - desk, TV stand and coffe table yet to be assembled. Fridge still doesn't fit into alcove and might have to return it.

Quick surreal moment of the day: I admitted Mel Gibson himself today into the Tonight Show - Steve O from MTV's Jackass was on as well. I see Mel go outside to smoke a cigarette (what? would Jesus approve?), where he joins Steve O for a smoke. So Mr. Passion himself and a dude who staples his own sensitive areas together are outside smoking, with Steve O showing Mel his many tattoos. Meanwhile, Carrottop himself was roaming around backstage, as was easy-listening king Joe Cocker. Weeeeeeeeeird.

I did trade verbal barbs with Carrottop himself on my tour today though! So on my tour I see him walking out of his dressing room and (to paraphrase) ...

ME: Hey folks, it's Carrottop!
CROWD: Ooooh, aaah.
CARROTTOP: Hey guys. Hey, you all take Jay [Leno]'s car for a test drive?
ME: Jay's car? What? I told them that that was MY car!
CARROTTOP: Oh, you kidder.

Seriously, it happened about that way.

By the way, Carrottop is freakin' jacked, he looks like he could maybe kick The Rock's ass (ok wouldn't go THAT far). On this same tour we also ran into Leno himself who was working on his car outside. Pretty loaded tour, it was.

Dammit, this refrigerator stuff is annoying. But, I am ALMOST moved into the new place.

Something to look forward to: In two weeks it is confirmed ... BILLY IDOL will be performing on the Tonight Show!

Something I missed: VERONICA MARS (obligatory Veronica Mars reference HERE) herself, Kristen Bell, was on Ellen today, and I was stuck admitting The Road Warrior and a man who willingly sat in a pool and forced a crocodile to bite his ass. Seriously, the show is called Jackass but in my opinion these guys are full of it and are NOT entertaining in any way, shape or form.

Farewell to Dan Rather. I feel the criticism directed his way is a bit much and it's a shame to see such a tenured broadcaster retire in such a bitter, negatively-publicized way. But my family was always an NBC / Tom Brokaw family anyways so it was much sadder for me when he stepped down. Plus Tom Brokaw just rules.

Alright, long day, very tired. Cya.


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